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contoh kalimat at school

"at school" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I used to clean shoes when I was at school.
    Aku membersihkan sepatu ke sekolah .
  • Did you not study six-dimensional geometry at school?
    Tidakkah kau belajar geometri 6 dimensi di sekolah?
  • You notice anything off today here at school?
    Kau melihat hal aneh hari ini di sekolah?
  • I want us to register Regina at school soon.
    Aku ingin kita mendaftarkan Regina sekolah segera
  • At school they say that the Jews killed the son of God.
    Apakah kamu melihat anakku?
  • I have to be at school early today.
    Aku harus berada di sekolah awal hari ini.
  • Yeah. And we can do Sweeney Todd for the show at school?
    Untuk apa mereka kemari?
  • I'm scared that they'll find out at school.
    Aku takut bahwa mereka akan tahu di sekolah.
  • Shouldn't you be at school helping with the decorations?
    Bukankah kau seharusnya di sekolah memasang dekorasi?
  • The twins have a recital tomorrow morning at school.
    Si kembar harus masuk sekolah besok pagi.
  • But the kids at school have been saying stuff.
    Tapi anak-anak di sekolah mengatakan hal itu.
  • Jae-koo never showed up at school after that.
    Jae-koo tak pernah menampakkan dirinya lagi di sekolah.
  • They gave that to my son at school.
    Mereka memberi bahwa untuk anak aku di sekolah.
  • What about the janitor dealing drugs at school?
    Bagaimana dengan petugas kebersihan yang bertransaksi di sekolahan?
  • He says jump, you jump. Bullied at school, were you?
    Kamu jadi bulan-bulanan di sekolah, benarkan?
  • I had a really big lunch today at school.
    Hari ini aku banyak makan di sekolah.
  • And now my kids are off at school
    Dan kini anak-anakku telah lepas dariku untuk sekolah.
  • You know, maybe someone at school remember something.
    Kau tahu, mungkin seseorang di sekolah ingat sesuatu.
  • Did it make you more popular at school?
    Apakah itu membuat Anda lebih populer di sekolah?
  • Yeah, lots of boys get bullied at school.
    Ya, banyak anak-anak yang suka menggertak di sekolahan.
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